Amr was born and raised in Alexandria Egypt. He moved to Washington DC in 2005 to pursue his dreams— one of which was his unwavering love for music, and all things that music encompassed: Culture, community, fashion. Knowing that it was his calling, he decided to make a career switch and dive into the music scene whole heartedly. Starting first with Esoteric Productions, Amr curated and hosted a popular series of rooftop day-parties known as Get Closer In 2019 With the pandemic closing many doors, it opened just as many new ones. 2020 He spent much of his time during the pandemic in Egypt and Ocean City, MD, cultivating his creativity and harnessing his unique tribal/oriental style of house music in a way he had never done before. And it was during this time that he gave birth to DJ AMRA. DJ AMRA is a resident DJ and co-founder of Transcend Events and he has been on the famous Flash lineup often.